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This is a perfect gift for a new menstruator, a new fan of Luna & Flow.  It's also good for if you just want to pamper yourself during your cycle.


Each  'Waxing Moon Box' is unique to the purchaser. You choose a  preferred menstrual product (i.e. reusable pads, cup, disk, underwear or 100% organic cotton tampons) and based on any allergies or preferences we help choose some snacks, treats, tea, relaxing self care items. The moon box also includes an art surprise and of course, an issue of Luna & Flow 'Waxing Crescent'. 

Waxing Moon Box

SKU: 366615376135191
  • Each box is customized with your perfreed menstrual product.

    If you have questions about menstural products I'd love to help guide you to the right information to make those very important decisions.

Luna & Flow

Flow is the bringer of your menarche (your 1st period) and she is so sorry about that. Her boss, Luna, doesn't care if Flow likes her job or not and she has no time for Flow's complaints. Flow decides she's going to become a superhero by always remembering to bring a pad. 


Phone: 248.935.3625

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